27 April 2012

Aquaponics appeal

Now that we have 50 jade perch fingerlings in the tank, the veggies have really taken off.  Prior to their arrival, we were adding seasol to keep the plants going but they have really sprung up now they have fish waste to work with.  And the fish have doubled in size in the last four weeks as well.  We have been told that when a system is new, leafy greens are the best crop - and they were right

The little girls are getting bigger

The chicks are about five weeks old now and out of their brooder box in the garage.  We made up a little shelter and run for them and they seem very happy there.  Its so interesting to watch them as they haven't ever seen a grown chicken, yet they knew immediately to dig a dust bath, eat grass and all other adult chicken duties.  It makes you wonder what happens to all of that instinct when you live in a shed or a cage your whole life.

Our first madagascar bean cook up

Last year we were given a small handful of the beautiful purple and white striped Madagascar beans.  Like Jack and the beans stalk, we popped a few into the ground and they went nuts.  We put them on the south side of the raised garden bed patch so they wouldn't block out the sun and it was a good thing we did. That's it on the left hand side (yes, all of it)

So after months of waiting, we got our first beans.  There are many, many more to come, so we thought we'd better get cracking with some recipes.  So we found this on line and gave it a go.